The Muse Book Reviews

Girl's Most Likely by Sheila Williams Reviewed by Mary Hill
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Title: Girls Most Likely
Author:  Sheila Williams
Publisher: One World Ballentine Books
ISBN: 0-345-46476-1

True friendship knows no bounds, holds no grudges, and can last a lifetime.  "Girls Most Likely"  by Sheila Williams is a tribute to true friendship we all crave. Four friends formed bonds growing up in a sheltered neighborhood. Their friendship forged the successes and failures in their lives. Even when one of the friends betray another, they still love each other.  The bonds driven so deep they can't be severed by hurt feelings.
The deep, lasting friendship shaped the lives of Vaughn., Reenie, Susan, and Audrey. Four women took different paths, but leaned on their friendship to survive the ups and downs of life.  Each friend narrates the story in their own memorable voices.
First, we see the girls grow up through the eyes of the writer, Vaughn. Vaughn served as the peacekeeper. Then the story picks up with boy-crazy, glamourous Renee; betrayal almost tears the group apart. Her love and devotion saves their friend Audrey whose drive for perfection causes her to suffer from an eating disorder.
The third narrator is Susan who becomes a television news personality. Although envied by everyone, Susan feels the most isolated from all the friends. She wants to experience the intimate connections her others friends share with each other. Finally we get a glimpse at the perfectionist found in Audrey.
Each friend has a unique voice, but I felt the weakness in the story was Vaughn took too much of the focus, and we did not get to see indepth character development of the other women.
Despite this one weakness, I still felt the story was funny, heart breaking, and the cliche, page turner. I give this story three roses for a great read.
Mary Hill - Muse Book Reviewer

                      *GREAT RERose, LargeADRose, Large
Rose, Large 

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