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All packages are payable via Paypal only. Payment will be asked once all the information I need is given.


Advertise on homepage for a WHOLE month; exclusivity on that section of homepage waiting for your book cover. Here is what you get for $20.00:

your cover on the top section of homepage exclusively

a link from the cover back to your website

a link from the blurb on homepage back to a hidden page within the review site with a pic of you, your bio, all of your site/newsletter links included -


an excerpt from your book (must include rating: G,PG,Adult)

mention and showcased in an upcoming issue of The Muse Unleashed

mention and showcased in an upcoming issue of The Muse Marquee

interview showcased in The Writing Jungle blog

in your hidden page you can also place thumbnail photos of 4 more books with a link back to you

All of the above for one full month for ONLY $20.00.

Each exclusive homepage promotion begins on the first of each month and ends on the last day of the purchased promo month.

First come, first served. So get your 30-day Promo Package now while there are still months available to you.

To get your promotional homepage package, email me at:

Place Review Homepage Package on the subject heading.

Payment is done via Paypal only after all the information I need is given.

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For just five dollars, I'll place the jpeg of your cover, a link back to a purchase link or one of your choice on the cover, the title, genre, your name with a  link back to your site, your publishing house with a link back to them.

Email me at:  with FEATURED AUTHOR on the subject heading. Once the information I need is given, then payment via Paypal can be done.

All featured authors are spotlighted for two months.

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Would you like to promote a contest? We're searching for authors who are willing to give away either a print or ebook format of their books. All you have to do is:

send me the cover of your prize giveaway in jpeg

the title and author's name

your website link and email address

and three questions you'd like the readers to answer. All questions should be based on answers found within your website.

I'll post the questions, your cover, link to your site, and your email address for readers to respond to you with their answers.

Duration of contest: begins on the first of the month and finishes on the 20th of each month. Winner is announced at the end of the month

Send an email to : 

Place Review Contest on the subject heading.

FOR PUBLISHERS- Would you like to place a small banner here? It's FREE!  Email me.

Copyright © 2005-2008 by The Muse Book Reviews. All rights reserved.  All reviewers hold individual ownership & copyrights of any material contributed. No unauthorized usage of any published material within the Muse Book Reviews unless permission is first granted by copyright owner of said material.
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The Muse Book Reviews is affiliated with Apollo's Lyre Zine and The MuseItUp Club - both Writer's Digest 101 Best Writing Sites continuously since 2004.
A Division of The MuseItUp Club
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