The Muse Book Reviews

Don't Be Impatient reviewed by Lea Schizas
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Title: Don't Be Impatient...
Read a Short Story! by Raymond Grant
Genre: Collection of Short Stories
Pages: 130
ISBN: 978-0-9785158-8-1
Price: $12.95


I had reviewed Ray Grant’s Flashes in the Pan and thought there was no way this author can outdo these wonderful short tales. I was wrong. Don’t be Impatient…Read a Short Story! is packed with tales at various lengths, allowing you to shut out your surroundings and delve straight into each individual storyline.


To find out the skill of this author all you need to do is read his micro-fiction tale consisting no more than a few carefully chosen words. Don’t Be Impatient…Read a Short Story! corners you with humor, suspense, fantasy…stories to touch your heart and stories to make you wonder ‘where does he get his ideas from?’


Each short story is a powerhouse on its own, plus they’re quick reads to satisfy those who can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen…like me.


I highly recommend this book because it’s good, no question about it. Flash fiction is an art in itself and Raymond Grant truly amplifies his artistic talents in this style of writing.


Lea Schizas - Muse Book Reviews Founder

 *HIGHLRose, LargeY RECOMMRose, LargeENDEDRose, Large
Rose, Large 

Comment from reader Mike Kechula:
Hi Lea and Ray.

Just read Lea's review of Ray's 2nd book. This is a super review for a terrific book of tales.

After I read Ray's book, my first question was: I wonder how long we'll have to wait for the next book of his memorable tales? I hope he won't take too long, so that we have the pleasure of reading more of his wonderful stories.

I too, like Lea, wonder where he gets all his ideas. There's something there for everybody, and the tales cover every imaginable genre.

When I had my speculative ficiton magazine, I paid for the right to reprint two of his spec fic tales from this book. And anybody who ever submitted to my magazine will tell you it was like pulling teeth to get their stories published in my magazine. That says plenty about the quality of Ray's writing.

A job well done by Lea, for a book that's a winner.

And a job well done by Ray for creating such a book. I hope Ray sells a million copies.

Regards, Mike

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