Water Goddess
Reviewed by Christine I Speakman
Written by Crystal Inman
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press www.whiskeycreekpress.com
Genre: Romance Paranormal
EBook formats ISBN: 978-1-59374-921-7
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-59374-920-0
Pages: 202
starting at $5.99
3 out of 4 roses
Wouldn’t we all, women that is, love to release the Goddess within us? Or, at least have a Goddess Guardian’s help us now and then.
Wilda, Kendra, Tempest, and Eden are sisters and Guardians. They must each find a mortal woman to mentor and then guide her towards success. As they, the sisters, all succeed they will prove themselves worthy and grow in their own powers.
Sounds easy enough, for a Goddess, right? Well, you forget,
us mortals have a thing called free will and it’s gotten in the sisters’ way a few times over the last hundred
years or so.
“Water Goddess” is Kendra’s story and she’s picked schoolteacher, Erin Sanders. Erin, who has closed her heart to the world, a world that left her lost, abused, and ashamed. Will Kendra be able to guide Erin to a new loving life? Sorry, you’ll have to read “Water Goddess”
for yourself.
Okay, we know romance and me are a delicate mix; however, I found myself entrenched in wanting the character Erin to find happiness. I
wanted the characters to succeed. I wanted the happy ending. Heck, I want the other Guardian Sisters’ stories.
Maybe it’s because I know there is a paranormal/mystical element at work, but Ms. Inman tells her tale with a
surreal feeling to it. I wasn’t part of the story…I wasn’t
reading the story through Erin’s
eyes, but neither was I watching it unfold through Kendra’s eyes. It was
almost like I was the judge weighing Kendra’s success or failure. Not an
easy task – telling two women’s separate stories through a shared experience.
Ms. Inman succeeds.
“Water Goddess” is a romance with a twist. It’s
a story that will awake the romantic in us all…even me.