The Muse Book Reviews

Message of the Pendant by Thomas Thorpe Reviewed by Christina Barber
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   Genre: Historical Mystery

          Title: Message of the Pendant

Author: Thomas Thorpe

             Publisher: Port Town Publishing

                    ISBN: 1-59466-039-5

     Pages: 246

                 Price: $10.95

Message of the Pendant by Thomas Thorpe is set in 1818 and transports the reader back in time to the events and culture of the century. It is a delightful tale, full of twists and intrigue. Mr. Thorpe has done a marvelous job in keeping to the historical facts, while yet creating many of his own.

William and Elizabeth Darmon host their second anniversary ball, only to have the joyous event interrupted by murder. A family member’s body is discovered, brutally slain in her room at the estate, during the ball. With no leads and a house full of suspects, William and Elizabeth begin their journey of discovery, uncovering acts of espionage and treachery.

Their only clue, a pendant with a secret message inside, leads them to America, France and Scotland. All the while, the puzzle becomes further entangled with each new discovery they find. An intriguing bed of lies involving government agents and high ranking politicians leads the Darmons on their cross-continent, dangerous voyage. With their own lives at stake and villains close on their trail, the fate of a country unknowingly rests in their hands.

Message of the Pendant is a ‘must have’ for history buffs and mystery fans alike. It was a very enjoyable read. Thomas Thorpe’s novel catches the readers attention from page one and only relents after the last sentence has been read.

Christina Barber - Muse Book Reviewer

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