Another mind provoking mystery
set in post World War I England
where we find our private detective heroine, Maisie, hired by Georgina Bassington-Hope to help solve the mystery as to who
killed her brother Nick. Although the surrounding circumstances point to an accident, Georgina believes
otherwise. And off the book begins following Maisie as she begins to unravel and piece together this puzzling case.
Jacqueline Winspear has a talent
to showcase the different backgrounds in her characters: from the wealthy
to the downright poor in this time of history to give us a very good visual of their lives.
Subplot after subplot, the author
weaves each of the individual storylines to capture your intrigue. You get to ‘experience’ the characters pains,
thoughts, hurt, love and pattern of deduction.
Maisie Dobbs is a well-crafted
character and you can’t help but be drawn to her gentleness yet quick thinking personae.
Jacqueline Winspear’s ability
to move a story forward yet offer various storylines just heightens the mysterious surroundings in this novel. From the beginning,
we meet gentle Billie, Maisie’s assistant, wealthy Georgina with a straightforward attitude,
Nick the artist and the passion he placed in his paintings, getting his life’s story while Maisie investigates his death.,
and the various family and friends in the Bassington-Hope circle.
For those who enjoy a well-paced
mystery and a look back into history, this was a Great Read.
Lea Schizas - Muse Book Reviewer
Jacqueline Winspear is the author of three previous
Maisie Dobbs novels, Maisie Dobbs, Birds of a Feather, and Pardonable Lies. A finalist for the Edgar
Award for Best Novel, Maisie Dobbs won the Agatha, Alex, and Macavity Awards, and Birds of a Feather won the
Agatha Award. Originally from the United Kingdom, Winspear now lives in California.